Edwardivan Presents: A grid-based dodging roguelitewhere robots hunt your crown! Steam Page Save the Crown! Dodge bullets Avoid a relentless shower of metallic attacks! Whack Robots Robots eventually run out of battery, right? Power-Up Collect Power-Ups to save your crown! Return order …and deliver the crown to the Void’s true ruler! Move With music Original soundtrack Dodge with fast-paced music per area! Unlock characters and playstyles! Set high-scores and survive as long as you can! Join the void to explore the bigger picture.. Join the void to:Playtest the gameGet cheat codes, sneak peeksReceive secret letters Preview music, cast votesBehind the scenes and more! Join the Void Want to cover the adventure? DodgeKing Click the button below to gain access to the Press kit made for:DodgeKing – Grid-Based Dodging Simulator Dodge King's Press Kit Connect with the creator of the invading robots! Have a burning question?Contact me with the following social medias or check out the FAQs! FAQ will you win another chance at Dodging? (Not a real Rating)Includes:– Comic Mischief– Fantasy Violence– Lots of puns– Void Monvitrese references? About Another chance studios... Another Chance Studios is Edwardivan’s hub to document his game development career and projects. EdwardivanGame Developer | Working on Secret Project(s) | Striving for Happiness Follow me to keep up to date! Steam Twitter Youtube Tiktok Envelope